Greet children & parents, wash hands, health check. breakfast time and Library time
Playground open- Outdoor Playtime
Circle time, Calendar, Yoga, Music & Movement, Stories, etc…
Morning brunch
ALL children move through the classroom, experiencing learning stations offered.
For example, creative art, play dough, goop, sensory station, math manipulatives, creative drawing & dictation, science, blocks, dramatic play, music, etc..Pre-K children work on our Pre-kinder curriculam
Cleanup time
Outdoor play: learning stations, sandbox, art, music, dramatic paly, P.E., dancing, yoga, bikes etc…
Lunch time
Children washup and prepare for rest time
Children wake up, put away bedding, bathroom and wash up.
Snack time
Circle time
Outdoor play for till pick-up/home time
Close-up- goodbyes